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       Back Stretches
       Back/Abdominal Stretches
       Neck Stretches
       Upper Limb Stretches
       Lower Limb Stretches
       Strengthening Excercises
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Mob: 07813 129 156

Back Stretches

To be effective with stretching, you should stretch before and after you excercise.
Hold each stretch for 10 - 30 seconds. Repeat this 3 times for each muscle group.

Do not bounce the stretch.
If pain is felt during any stretch, call PHIT (UK) to check that you are not creating injuries.

  Stretch 1 :

Lay flat on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keeping your knees together and shoulders flat on the floor, drop your from side to side towards the floor.

  Stretch 2 :

Stand with your back flat against a wall. Your knees should be slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart and your arms outstretched, palms together. Keep your hips flat against the wall while rotating your arms and upper body to the left and to the right