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Chest, Shoulders and Forearm Stretches

To be effective with stretching, you should stretch before and after you excercise.
Hold each stretch for 10 - 30 seconds. Repeat this 3 times for each muscle group.

Do not bounce the stretch.
If pain is felt during any stretch, call PHIT (UK) to check that you are not creating injuries.

  Stretch 1 :

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. With your arm straight turn your palm upwards. Using your other hand, pull your fingertips towards the floor, bending at the wrist. Repeat with the palm facing downwards towards the floor.

  Stretch 2 :

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Holding a pole or tube in both hands infront of you, with hands placed shoulder width apart, raise arms above head. Then,start with pole held behind you and raise the pole as far as you can.